Kokan Welfare Society Hosts Blood Donation Drive

“Whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity” Quran surah Al-Ma`idah (The Table, The Table Spread) 5:32.

Demonstrating its commitment to prioritizing human health, The Kokan Welfare Society (KWS) recently held a blood drive on Friday, May 17th, 2024. Offering extended hours and wider accessibility, the blood drive was held at both Adan Hospital (from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM) and Jabriya Blood Bank (from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM).

Donating blood is a quick and painless act with a life-saving impact. A single donation can benefit up to three people in need. Blood transfusions are essential for various medical situations, from supporting patients undergoing surgery to aiding those injured in accidents and battling blood diseases.

KWS leveraged an online pre-registration system, in the form of a Google Form, to streamline the blood drive process. This convenient approach attracted over 250 individuals to register their interest in donation. On the day of the drive, a commendable 170 people came forward to donate blood. However, not everyone could participate in the donation itself. Some potential donors were found to have low blood pressure or hemoglobin levels during the eligibility screening. Others may have been ineligible due to pre-existing medical conditions identified in their medical history.

The blood donation process is streamlined to ensure both efficiency and donor comfort. Upon arrival, a brief registration form was provided to confirm your eligibility. A healthcare professional will then conduct a concise health screening to ascertain your well-being and suitability for donation. The actual blood donation itself typically takes less than ten minutes. Following your donation, participants were invited to a designated area to relax and enjoy refreshments as they rested for a brief period. Participants were also given a certificate as a token of gratitude by KWS.

Despite a significant turnout at both Adan Hospital and Jabriya Blood Bank, the hospital staff, in collaboration with the dedicated Kokan Welfare Society team, ensured a smooth and efficient blood drive experience for all participants. Their remarkable organization was evident from the well-managed registration process to the efficient blood collection stations. The unwavering patience of the hospital staff played a vital role in keeping wait times minimal and ensuring everyone felt comfortable throughout the donation process. This collaborative spirit and dedication were undoubtedly a cornerstone of the drive's success, potentially helping to save countless lives in the process.